Beginning in October, DC Comics will be publishing a new ongoing series centered around the one-eyed mercenary Slade Wilson, otherwise known as Deathstroke (Or Deathstroke The Terminator). This villain is well known for his role as the villain in seasons 1 and 2 of the Teen Titans animated series. Though, more recently he is recognizable as the main antagonist in the explosive second season of The CW’s Arrow, as well as the newest addition to the New Suicide Squad.
But now it seems Slade will be striking out on his own and getting a well-deserved solo series from writer/illustrator Tony S. Daniel along with co-artist Sandu Florea. The two will be working together in order bring us this new monthly series.
 In this week’s episode of DC All Access Tony S. Daniel reveals what his intentions are for his run in Deathstroke. The writer/illustrator had this to say:
“The whole idea was ‘Can I do with the character things that I think can make him successful’? You know, make him mainstream but also give his biggest fans what they love most about him. I’m creating really cool villains for him. We’re gonna see villains that we haven’t seen in a while that we get to modernize a little bit. We get to really have some fun with characters like Ravager and we’re gonna see the Teen Titans down the road and he’s gonna take a trip to Gotham City and the League Of Assassins. We’re gonna see some of those characters. I have a blank slate with them as well. The first arc, we’re creating a character named Odysseus, who’s eventually going to transform into the DCU’s most powerful villains. The goal is to put him up there with Darkseid and that all starts here with Deathstroke.”
The role seems to be fitting for this writer. In an interview with MTV via email, Daniel confesses that he has always been a big fan of Deathstroke, proclaiming “He’s only gotten more bad-ass with time. He’s an incredible character, whether you’re playing him in a video game or watching him on TV or reading him in a comic book. People love Deathstroke now more than ever due to all the avenues he’s available in, myself included.”
It appears that with this new series in the making, Deathstroke’s popularity that has accumulated over the years will only skyrocket in the months to come. Even more so because DC Entertainment has begun a sale on ALL digital comics starring and featuring Deathstroke for a mere 99 cents. The sale will last for five more days on DC’s digital comics website and seems to span out from Slade’s early days from The New Teen Titans all the way up to his previous New 52 solo title.
If that wasn’t enough for fans, DC Entertainment is also making a brand new collectible bust (See below). The bust has a custom base and is made of resin. It is the first bust of Deathstroke in his New 52 design by artist Jim Lee, and is sculpted by Joe Menna and painted by Jason Wires. The price of the bust is currently unknown but fans will be able to pick up their own in January of 2015.
Deathstroke #1 will be written by Tony S. Daniel, the art will be by Tony S. Daniel and co-artist Sandu Florea. This title will be available in stores on October 22nd.