DC Heroes Caught Juicing

by Roemello Mckay
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French  juice manufacturer Orangina Scweppes has created a partnership with DC Entertainment to produce special cans for its “Oasis” fruit-drink brand that will feature the company’s most iconic costumed heroes.


The Ephemerist reports that the promotion is directly tied to the 75th anniversary of Batman, whose flavor is Manugue Debol. However, it is not only the Caped Crusader who will be receiving a flavor of the drink. He will be “juicing” alongside  Ramon Tafraise as The Flash, Fambougeoise as Wonder Woman and  Orange Presslé as Superman.


In addition to having their image on the cans, the heroes can be seen wearing variations of their New 52 costumes, which is pleasing to see due to the fact that these redesigned versions of their costumes are rarely seen in licensing efforts.


(See Images Of The Cans Below)

DC heroes juice cans 2 DC heroes juice cans 3

Source(s): Comic Book Resources

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