The Flash Season 2 Episode 5 “The Darkness and The Light”

by Steven Brown
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The problems of the breach continue to mount as Team Flash struggles to confront a new metahuman from Earth 2 named Dr. Light. Jay Garrick informs Barry that on Earth 2 Dr. Light is a thief and it seems she was sent from there by Zoom to kill The Flash. Barry seems to have some additional help however with the arrival of another Earth 2 counterpart– this time of his former mentor/ enemy Dr. Harrison Wells. Although he is from Earth 2 and seems to genuinely want to help Barry the team as whole is not sure about him at all, due to the fact of all the problems Earth 1’s Harrison Wells caused them. However these doubts and questions will have to be put on hold as Dr. Light goes after an ex girlfriend of Barry’s, prompting a showdown between the Dr. and the Scarlet Speedster.


The Positives

This episode of The Flash was honestly perfect in my eyes. The return of Harrison Wells automatically causes tension on Team Flash as they all struggle to come to terms with the arrival of this doppleganger. Cisco remembers Harrison killing him, Caitlin remembers the loss of Ronnie, Iris remembers the loss of her fiance Eddie and Barry probably has it worse–looking eye to eye with the man that killed his mother, BUT its not him. As Team Flash comes to terms with Harrison Wells’ arrival to help, another villain arrives through the breach to take on The Flash–Dr. Light. It seems that Jay Garrick and Dr. Light have history as he informs Barry that she is a thief and not a killer. He suggests that Barry try to talk to Dr. Light, while Harrison Wells suggests her capture. Their encounter doesn’t go well in Barry’s favor however as during the fight he’s blinded by Dr. Light’s powers. The writers throw some comedy in this episode as Barry goes on his first date with Patty–while he’s blind. Thanks to some tech from S.T.A.R Labs Barry is able to go on his date with Patty, with Cisco being his eyes and telling him where to go and what to say. The results are hilarious. I love how the writers gave this episode a very serious tone–however they place just the right amount of comedy in certain parts. The result was an episode that was a rollercoaster ride of emotion– your mad at someone, sad for someone else, then suddenly your laughing out of nowhere. The writers consistently get it right with every episode, and this one is no exception.


The Negatives

If I’m really being forced to find a negative in the show it will have to be something that’s been absent in the other episodes too– Henry Allen. After his release from prison a few episodes ago we were given a few minutes of father and son bonding before Henry leaves Barry, telling him that the world needs both Barry and The Flash. I remember watching this episode tonight thinking to myself–what could Henry Allen possibly be doing? I hope as the season goes on that we either see his return or at least his whereabouts be addressed. Henry was the sole driving force of why Barry became The Flash in the first place, and although the motivations of being The Flash are now different I hope the writers bring Henry back into play sometime soon–he’s too crucial of a character not to.


The Verdict

I think you know at this point I’m going to say great episode for The Flash. It’s hard to point out the problems of a show when they do it so well. Other shows on TV really should take notes on how The Flash gets it done every single week. This episode made me angry, sad, and laugh all in the course of 45 minutes– that’s one hell of a ride. I love how each episode gives us just a little more of Zoom. They introduce him just enough to remind you he’s pulling the strings of it all–then they put him right back on the shelf. He’s a villain that’s not forced on you just cause, and it seems that the villains of Earth 2 fear him as well which to me speaks volumes. Even on this episode as Barry learns a new power it all makes you wonder will it be enough to actually stop Zoom? It’s these questions that the writers force you to ask at the conclusion of every episode and because of that I predict The Flash being around for a long time.


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