Following in the footsteps of the highly successful Superman: Earth One by Michael J. Straczynski & Shane Davis, Batman: Earth One By Geoff Johns & Gary Frank and Wonder Woman: Earth One By Grant Morrison & Yanick Paquette, now comes Green Lantern: Earth One from writer Corinna Bechko and co-writer and artist Gabriel Hardman.
The Lantern mythology is turned upside down as Green Lantern: Earth One takes a radical new approach to the character. Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman, the Hugo Award-nominated team that brought us Invisible Republic, hope to deliver a modern re-telling like we’ve never seen before.
Hardman says:
“Approaching this as an Earth One story gives us the opportunity to go back to the core concept of Green Lantern and interpret it through the lens of a modern, grounded sci-fi story while still being true to the Silver Age roots of Hal Jordan.
Having storyboarded Interstellar, this is an approach I’m comfortable with and have wanted to explore in comics. Realistic sci-fi is only the beginning of this story; we have something much more epic in store.”
Bechko added:
“Hal Jordan is a smart, capable person with a space and science background who has a lot of untapped potential even before he finds the ring. That means he’s going to approach everything the ring does from the perspective of a scientist, but he’s going to employ it for action and adventure. The result for us as writers is the opportunity to fully embrace the science fiction aspects of the story in a way that would be impossible with a lot of other characters.”
GREEN LANTERN: EARTH ONE VOL. 1 will be available on March 20, 2018.