Review: Justice Society of America #6
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Geoff Johns
Art: Marco Santucci
Colors: Ivan Plascencia
Letters: Rob Leigh
Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd
The Lost Children are back, and what to do with them? We catch up with the members of the Justice Society of America as they search for living relatives of the Lost Children.
Justice Society of America #6 has a strong focus on character. Whether it’s the Lost Children or the members of the JSA, Geoff Johns put character at the forefront as he moves the big picture forward. Johns naturally brings the Lost Children over from the Stargirl mini-series as Courtney shows up at JSA headquarters with the android Hourman in tow with her own ideas about what to do with the Lost Children. While the question on everyone’s mind has to be about the meeting of Judy and Jay Garrick for the first time in decades, its brief with a quick catchup on Judy’s history, but the real emotional reunion with mom, Joan is either left for a future issue or it takes place off panel.
The most intense family reunion is between Bruce Wayne and his daughter, Helena. Though they’ve met before in this series, we get a one-one on moment with cool heads. There’s lack of tension, however, as Bruce is still concerned about Helena existing out of time. Helena gives him a little a little tease as she references “The Gotham War” currently running in Catwoman and the Bat-titles. For Helena, this is history, and it’s not the only history she references. It’s a really interesting scene that echoes the meeting of the original Earth-Two Huntress meeting the Earth-One Batman back in the Bronze Age.
Positives Cont’d
While the JSA searches for an approach to the Lost Children, exploring each one’s past individually, it’s the conversation between Huntress and Power Girl that seems to give the story arc its direction. As we saw in the first issue of this series, in the future that now no longer exists, PG and Huntress put together a JSA of irregular members that was decimated by Per Degaton. Helena suggests that they put that team together, but now…so they get it right! It’s great to see these two working together and it’s particular wonderful to see Helena call PG “Karen.” It gives hope that the foolishness being done with Power Girl by Leah Williams will be ignored or quickly forgotten. Now, just that new costume has to go….
Marco Santucci takes over on art duties with this issue. Santucci brings his signature approach as his to depiction of faces brings a unique identity to them. It’s especially effective with Bruce and Helena as their uncostumed identities have the connection. There’s also a genuine joy when Judy and Jay meet. Additionally, Santucci’s homages the cover to All-Star Squadron #1 in the issue as Alan Scott, Mr. Terrific and the robot Hourman peruse pictures of the Lost Children. It’s a great call back to a classic Earth-Two cover.
It’s tough to find a negative with this issue. It may seem like a bit of a slow start, but Johns is focusing on the characters and Santucci’s art is perfect for those types of stories.
Justice Society of America #6 is an exciting start to a new story arc. It’s character focused and sets the stage for what’s to come. The fate of the Lost Children has been an intriguing plot line since the beginning of Stargirl: The Lost Children. Their story naturally continues here. The emotional tension between Bruce and Helena is fantastic and it’s great to see Helena and Karen’s friendship as the cornerstone of the future of the JSA!