The Batman Pt II Delayed Until 2026

by Brad Filicky
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Sad news Bat fans! Batman Pt II Has been delayed until 2026. The Matt Reeves crime epic will come out a full year later than originally planned. Now we will see Robert Pattinson don the cowl again on October 2, 2026. No reason for the delay was given by Warner Bros.

There’s been a lot said of superhero fatigue given the recent box office disappointment of Marvel and DC movies, so maybe they just wanted us to miss the caped crusader a little longer. Another factor could be it just wouldn’t have been ready in time. We can all safely say Matt Reeves knows what he is doing. Little is known about what the film will be about or who the villain is, so if Reeves needs more time I’d rather wait for him to fully realize his vision.

Another factor to consider is James Gunn’s DCU. It’s common knowledge the The Batman Pt II will not be part of James Gunn’s DCU which get’s its first movie, Superman, in 2025. It could be that Warner Bros didn’t want to muddy the waters.  Lucky for fans we won’t have to wait that long to return to Reeves’ Gotham. This fall will see the release of The Penguin TV series starring Colin Farrell.

Stay tuned to dccomicsnews for more updates!


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