Dynamic Cosplay Presents: Mister Miracle (Lt. Bully)

by Thomas ODonnell
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Welcome to DC Comic News Dynamic Cosplay Presents:

Mister Miracle

Cosplayer: Lt. Bully

DCN: What made you choose this character (Mister Miracle)

Lt. Bully: I was a big fan of the Justice League in the late 80s and early 90s and was reading every related title. Scott Free was a serious character compared to some of the other JLA members of that time, but still had a sense of humor. That appealed to me after cosplaying a very serious character like Batman or an angry character like Hawk.


DCN: Outside of cosplay do you have any other interest/hobbies?

Lt. Bully: Plenty. My wife and I retired last year after seven years of roller derby. We’re also pretty serious about Live Action Roleplaying. I also enjoy leatherworking and carpentry and the occasional video game. I also have a pretty large vintage action figure collection, my favorite being the Mego Superheroes from the 70s.


DCN: How do your friends and family feel about you cosplaying? Are they supportive?

Lt. Bully: Most of my friends are either larpers or cosplayers already, so they’re pretty supportive. Some of my family thinks it’s a little odd, but kinda neat. More and more I get comments from my non cosplaying friends that they love the pictures they see on social media.


DCN: How long have you been cosplaying?

Lt. Bully: I’ve been costuming for over 20 years due to larping. My wife and I got into the cosplay scene around 2011 or so.


DCN: Why do you cosplay?

Lt. Bully: Several reasons. I love building things, whether it’s some armor, a bench or a costume. Cosplaying also allows many opportunities to feel like a hero and brighten someone’s day. I also like to rub elbows with people who share similar interests and passions.


with George Perez

DCN: What was your favorite cosplay project?

Lt. Bully: I’m pretty happy with the Mr. Miracle. Most of the construction went right the first time. It’s also almost all from scratch. My Hawk costume drove me nuts though. I went through two completely separate designs of the body suit and two designs of the wings.


DCN: How long did it take you to get this costume (Mister Miracle) together?

Lt. Bully: Things went pretty smoothly with this costume. The hardest part was color matching the greens. So with shopping and waiting for mail, probably a little over a month.


DCN: Do you have a pet peeve when it comes to cosplay?

Lt. Bully: Not really. Everybody gets something different out of cosplay and approaches it a little differently, and that’s ok. I’ve met some of the nicest people from cosplaying. My wife and I have stopped doing contests because they can be very subjective and that can be frustrating. We’ve won contests we thought we had no chance in and lost some we thought we were shoe ins. But I wouldn’t really call it a pet peeve.


DCN: Do you have a favorite memory or story while cosplaying?

Lt. Bully: I have a lot of fun and silly cosplay stories. But one of my favorite that also opened my eyes is this. At one early con, I saw a cosplayer who was in a mostly store bought Batman costume. He also was not in the best superheo shape. In my mind, I was judging him. Then a child of maybe 5 or 6 ran up to him very excited and shouting “Batman! Batman!” They took a picture together and the child’s day was made. That young child taught me a lesson that day. Cosplay’s about having fun and there’s plenty of room for everyone to feel like a hero.


DCN: Which DC character may we see next from you?

Lt. Bully: I have five DC characters right now, but no villains. I’m trying to figure out which villain to do. I enjoy characters that are a little less represented but still have a cool visual. I’ll let you know when I figure it out. Suggestions are welcome.

Sgt. Rock
Batgirl and Batman
Dove and Hawk

Click on the links below to follow Lt. Bully and find out which characters he brings to life next.


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