How good is The Flash #22? Check out our review to find out.
Since the end of Gorilla Warfare arc ended, The Flash has seemingly been on the rise month after month. The creative team of Brian Buccellato and Francis Manapul bring their A-game once again as the Reverse arc continues. This time, Barry Allen tasks himself with protecting Iris West–the remaining Speed Force survivor–while attempting to hunt down the elusive serial killer.
Between his work on this title and the previous volume, Francis Manapul is becoming the defining artist for Barry Allen. It is simply gorgeous. And Brian Buccellato is quickly becoming one of the premiere colorists working in comics. The most frustrating thing about the work these two put out is that it’s becoming difficult to find new ways to say their art is amazing. Seriously, check out the cover – it’s brilliant.
So the artwork was great–hardly shocking for this title. Did the story reach the same level of quality? Absolutely. Manapul and Buccellato start to lay the seeds for a love triangle between Barry, current girlfriend Patty Spivot, and Iris. There is an awkwardness in the interactions between these characters which feels very natural, and is very entertaining.
The issue also sets up a showdown between Barry Allen and the Speed Force killer. The mystery behind this new villain remains one of the biggest draws of this story arc. The adage of “less is more” continues to work, as finding out who the antagonist will keep readers salivating for more. This is serialized storytelling at its finest.
I have to wait another month to read what happens next.
The Flash has been one of DC’s most consistent and strongest books, and issue #22 is no exception. For those complaining that The New 52 all looks the same and lacks a sense of fun, The Flash speeds by in defiance of that perception. The Flash #22 is a serious contender for the best title of the week.
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