Review: BATMAN BEYOND 2.0 #29

by Darius_DC
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In BATMAN BEYOND 2.0 #29, Batman continues his search for Vigilante, while Bruce Wayne and the Phantasm meet face-to-face for the first time in years.

This issue was a really cool issue. Coming off of a great issue #28, I knew that Kyle Higgins and Alex Siegel had to come back strong. I believe they did come strong in this issue by playing it smart with the direction of this issue. They did not try to top last week’s issue, instead they brought a more calm and somber issue that was still entertaining and engaging. The artwork was so good and it was nice to see Phil Hester go full force in this issue after being sidelined for so long during this arc. Let’s get more detailed with positives and negatives of BATMAN BEYOND 2.0 #29!




What’s good about this issue is the fact that Terry’s reaction to what happened last week is so real. You can tell he still is conflicted about what Barbara and Dick told him. I credit this to the artwork done by Phil Hester. He draws the characters detailed enough that these fictional characters shows very real emotions. With his artwork, you really get engaged into what the characters say because of the way their reactions are drawn. Some really stellar work done by Phil Hester!

BB-2.0-8To continue with the Terry, Barbara and Dick scene, we see them address the elephant in the room, kinda. If you read last week’s issue of BATMAN BEYOND 2.0, then, you already think Bruce is a dick, but, his kind of alleged indifference to what Barbara is going through is just plain terrible. Ironically, what made the scene even more awkward was Bruce telling Terry he found Vigilante.


Almost every scene in this issue was written so well. My favorite scene, which is also the highlight of the issue, is the Phantasm and Bruce’s conversation. What I love about the scene is just the back and forth between the two was so good! This scene was much needed because at this point, as a reader, you’re thinking Bruce is awful person. However, because of this conversation, some of Bruce’s behavior kinda makes a lot more sense, or at least it’s clearer. You’ll still be angry at him, but, you deal with it a little better. That scene where the Phantasm says goodbye and has her hook raised, my heart just jump, it was so good! That’s the best thing about Higgins and Siegel’s writing in BATMAN BEYOND 2.0, they invoke emotion out of the readers and make the readers feel like a character in this world, witnessing these events and revelations transpire right in front of their eyes!



I didn’t care much for the scene with the Jokers holding Jake Chill/Vigilante hostage. Ultimately, if you know the Jokers forte, then, you knew what was going to happen to Vigilante. I hate when things get predictable like that. It takes me away from story when I can predict what’s going to happen to a character.

BB-2.0-6Of course, they were going to give him the Joker gas…they’re the Jokers, that’s what they do. I’m guessing it’s only right that this would happen for the point of the plot, so many of you will not find anything wrong with this scene. What you’ll see is poetic justice for the Jokers and irony, what I see is a scene that is predictable.


BATMAN BEYOND 2.0 #29 may not have had so many reveals like last issue, but, Higgins and Siegel manage to still have some good shocking moments in this issue that was really awesome. Phil Hester had full artistic control over this issue and he delivered with some great artwork and he definitely showed how much talent he really has. With great writing and strong artwork, BATMAN BEYOND 2.O #29 was good way to start this last stretch of issues! Recommend.




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