Review: Superman #17

by Derek McNeil
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[Editor’s note: This review may contain spoilers.]

Writers: Peter J. Tomasi  & Patrick Gleason
: Sebastian Fiumara

Reviewed By: Derek McNeil

Superman and Lois have gone out for the evening, leaving their son Jon home alone. Jon is siting in the dark, eating ice cream, and watching a horror movie. Suddenly the doorbell rings, giving him a fright.

Jon answers the door to find it’s his friend and neighbour, Kathy. Kathy is worried because her grandfather had gone out searching for an escaped cow a few hours previously, but hasn’t returned yet.

Jon agrees to go with Kathy in search of her grandfather, and the two of them set off on their bicycles to investigate. When they arrive at the cow pen, they find that Grandpa Cobb’s and Bessie’s tracks lead off towards Deadman’s Swamp.

Previously, Kathy’s grandfather had forbidden her to go near the swamp, but fearing that he might be injured, she sees no choice but to follow after him, leaving Jon little choice but to go with her.


Jon has been notably absent from the title for the last few issues, but this issue makes up for that by devoting the entire issue on Jon. In fact, Superman is relegated to a single panel of his own comic.

I also like that the relationship between Jon and his friend Kathy is being fleshed out. I realize that the general public is still unaware of Superboy, but as he becomes more well-known, will Kathy make the connection between Jon and Superboy?

The absence of Superman for most of the issue is likely disappointing for those who would rather read about Superman’s adventures than Superboy’s. This isn’t an illegitimate complaint, considering that the title of the book is Superman. However, I feel that this book has established itself as mainly being about Superman’s family, and is therefore justified in focusing on any particular member that family once in a while.

Another great issue in Tomasi and Gleason’s stellar run on this series. The Rebirth relaunch has given us some great titles, and this is the cream of the crop.

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