Review: Green Arrow #46

by Sean Blumenshine
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[Editor’s note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writers: Julie Benson & Shawna Benson

Artist: German Peralta

Colorist: John Kalisz



Green Arrow finds himself in the crosshairs and caught in a crossfire: on one side, would-be populist vigilante Citizen, who’s out to make the one percent pay. On the other, the citizens of Seattle, who mob Green Arrow wherever he goes. While Black Canary investigates Citizen’s real identity, Oliver’s corporate lawyer and confidant Kate Spencer deals with a free-falling Queen Industries. It’s not a good time to be Oliver Queen OR Green Arrow…until our hero becomes taken with an insane plan to thwart Citizen once and for all.



Alex Maleev’s cover is very cool. I like the particulars in particular; the cover has a very stylized look. It’s very unique and interesting.

The interior art is also great. There’s great detail in both the backgrounds and the characters. The faces are very expressive. The colors are also nicely vibrant which helps almost animate the art. I love the style and the tone.

The detective element of the issue is a lot of fun. Ollie and Dinah are investigating different leads in an attempt to find out who Citizen is. Mysteries are always fun and they’re a fun pair to do it with.

I love the reveal of who Citizen is. It’s a really smart turn in the story. All of Citizen’s knowledge and how he’s able to operate are put into a nice context.


I have no negatives that I feel are worth mentioning.



This is a great issue. The Citizen story continues to be really interesting. I think this is a great villain and a really fun one to put against Oliver. It’s a fun dynamic. Additionally, I love the art so I highly recommend this issue.


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