PREVIEWS: Justice League #23.4 Secret Society

by Brendon Lane Carlson
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If you asked about the cover of Secret Society and what the story would be about, you will be a bit surprised with the preview.  During Trinity War, it was established Alfred from Earth 3 aka Outsider came to Earth and has been hear for a while watching and waiting for the chance to bring the Crime Syndicate here including creating the Secret Society.  Well this issue appears to be the prologue to Trinity War establishing Alfred on Earth 3 in the preview and mentioning other members of that Earth including Barbara and Talon (who is probably Dick Grayson)Justice League #23 showed Crime Syndicate bring someone with them, could this issue reveal who?  Also what else will we find out about the Secret Society, Earth 3 Alfred, and the Crime Syndicate that may lead to more hints of what is to come in Forever Evil?  Also will we find out more about the coins seen in Trinity War, Forever Evil, and Villains Month?


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Source: IGN

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