Rest assured comrades Terry McGinnis is making his long awaited debut in the New 52 continuity as he will be a lead character in “The New 52: Futures End” that is set to debut with the #0 issue on Free Comic Book Day May 3rd 2014.
When the cover for #0 was shown for the first time we see Batman Beyond immediately but it was unknown who was in the suit. Now thanks to writer Brian Azzarello it is confirmed that it is in fact Terry McGinnis donning the suit.
Mr. Azzarello said the following about the decision to bring Terry in to the fold.
“I just needed a character from the future,” “And that was the only one I knew. [Laughs] I thought we needed a hook — we needed somebody big, and somebody that hadn’t really appeared in The New 52 yet. Since we were dealing with this jump into the future, it made sense to bring in Terry McGinnis.”
For those of you wondering, this storyline will have nothing to do with the Batman Beyond 2.0 series that is headed by Kyle Higgins. Mr Higgins said the following in an interview with CBR:
“DC is introducing a New 52 version of Terry McGinnis in [‘Futures End’], but that is completely unrelated to what we’re doing in ‘Batman Beyond 2.0. The version we’re exploring is a continuation of the animated continuity. I’m as interested as anyone to see what the New 52 version of Terry will be like, but I don’t know much beyond that.”
I myself am very interested to see what sort of differences will be apparent with Terry McGinnis as joins the DC timeline only five years after the current story lines, whereas in the DCAU he started being Batman Beyond with an elderly Bruce Wayne as his mentor.
Source: ComicbookResources