Dynamic Cosplay Presents Catwoman (Maki Roll)

by Thomas ODonnell
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Welcome to  Dynamic Cosplay, we present the iconic character of Catwoman who is played by Maki Roll. We go one on one with her in this exclusive interview.




Maki Roll
“The Cosplay Cutie Turned Burlesque Beauty” 

Cosplayer :: Blogger :: Entertainer :: Jill of (most) Trades

DCN: Why do you Cosplay?

Maki: “I cosplay because I feel as though it is a way to pay homage to some of your favourite fictional characters as well as meet like-minded individuals.  It is also a challenge to see what you can come up with in an effort to bring said characters to life.”


DCN: Why did you choose Catwoman?

Maki: “I chose Catwoman because she’s a sexy, driven, fun female lead.  I think that she has a very interesting back story, which aids in her no-nonsense, kick ass attitude.  There are so many costumes of hers to choose from, but the sleekness of the catsuit paired with the cat cowl is one of her most iconic.”


DCN: Which DC comics character may we see next from you?

Maki: “Definitely Huntress. I’m working on her with a few friends for a ‘Birds of Prey’ group for Dragon*Con!”


DCN: Who is your favourite DC Comics character?

Maki: “I used to really love Harley, but after reading more of Catwoman’s stories and comics; I have more of a fondness for her.”

Photo By: DarcG http://www.flickr.com/photos/darcg

Photo By: DarcG

 Check out some of Maki Roll’s other cosplay’s such as Harley Quinn, Storm and “Mortal Kombats” Jade.


While you’re there visit Maki Roll’s Chop Shop for handmade bows, character shorts, pillows, prints and other cool merchandise on facebook.

All photos used with permission.

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