“The louder voices on the internet are always the negative ones”
This quote was given by actor and comedian Chris Hardwick in an interview on Larry King Now concerning the title of the news of the title of ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.’ The former Green Arrow on the animated TV show, ‘The Batman’ stated that “anger and hate is a more powerful motivator to action” than when people think it sounds good. Hardwick also said that the way he sees it the two titular characters will fight before realizing that they’re really on the same side concerning the “v” in the title.

Larry King and Chris Hardwick sat down in an interview discussing various topics including the Man of Steel sequel
In addition, Hardwick said regarding Ben Affleck as Batman that he likes Ben and he thinks maybe he’ll do great citing Marvel’s Iron Man as a similar casting.
I think people forget that before Iron Man came out and started the whole Marvel chain of events, Iron Man was not a character that was at the forefront of comics at the time, he was a character. And Robert Downey Jr. was almost unemployable at the time and everyone was like “what? Iron Man? Are you kidding me?” and then it came out and then it was like “holy crap! Iron Man! Robert Downey Jr!” I love to be surprised by people, and I love to get excited about things.
Larry King said in addition that “since you have [the cowl] on most of the time, how could you be a bad Batman? You mope around, you jump into you car. ”
The interview between Hardwick and King can be seen below
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frrrJFqO8o0]
‘Batman v Superman:Dawn of Justice’ will be released May 6, 2016 starring Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill as the titular characters respectively along with Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Jeremy Irons as Alfred Pennyworth, and Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor.
Source(s): Cosmic Book News, Larry King Now