With the weekly dose of INJUSTICE delivered to us, the battle continues as the war between the superheros heats up. In conjunction with the first shot now officially fired by the Green Lanterns, the Gotham crew start moving their chess pieces across the board and acting out the final curtain call on the world wide stage. Finally we have some heavy handed action as characters start being paired off into their one on one individual fights. It seems as if each character has been given their own trail to face in a personal adversary. Tom Taylor has done a wonderful job of pairing people, using crafty motives and personal history; he has made the sparring matches all the more powerful. The issue was also full of little unexpected twists that had me starting to guess more of the grand design to this intricate story arc. Everything seems to have a reason and a purpose from the way characters move to the secrets they have been keeping. The artwork is far better in this issue compared to the last and I found the quirky addition of Harley’s old costume ingenious. It was such a wonderful re-vamp of the past coming together with the future, as Harley stole the show for me once again. Not only has she been the comic relief that breaks the heightened tension in INJUSTICE, but her character has evolved into a deeply layered and integral part of the Gotham team.
I found the issue was very well balanced equally having action, drama, angst and a hint of comedy not to mention more of the story being filled in. I was pleased to see that the structure blended smoothly and the story flowed through the skilfully matched paneling. Though we did get a bang from Harley, the drag of an epic fight scene is still yet to come. However Catwomans foal language will have readers cracking a smile, especially if you’re not a Robin fan. It was the bite that had been missing which complimented the grave severity of Gordon’s mission and what he stands to protect. That’s one of the most engaging features to INJUSTICE is how tragedy and sarcasm go hand in hand.
Harley definitely stole the show in this issue. As a whole different persona of the classic character was written for INJUSTICE, she truly encompasses the concept of the bizarre villain no matter what outfit she wears. Harley is the glue that is making the plans stick and definitely has more of a place as a strong female than I originally thought. The artwork is clean and crisp again bringing back the female form in the heroes and not messing with the characters outfits. It was exciting to see the characters in such expressive drawings and sharp colors which make them jump out even more from the pages they fight on. Negatives
As the story continues I found that the issues seem to be missing something, where is our leading lady? The holy trinity had always been inseparable until INJUSTICE torn that combination apart. But there has been a huge lacking presence of Wonder Woman since she was hurt. It doesn’t feel like a real battle without the three taking to the stage and I’m hoping that she will make a spectacular return soon. The introduction to the issue was a little flat as we are starting the story again and the few panels of Superman could have been saved till a more Superman heavy issue. Just focusing on the news of the Yellow Corp taking casualties and how it impacted the Gotham team, would have given the issue a fresh start.
Verdict It’s good to have the excitement back in this issue of INJUSTICE. Riding the roller coaster of action packed highs to emotional personal lows; the issue is a balanced compilation continuing the main arc and individual stories. So stay turned as even bigger battles and the master plan behind it all is revealed. Rating
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