In the upcoming episode of Constantine titled, “Blessed Are the Damned,” master of the occult John Constantine (Matt Ryan) heads to a small town where a preacher is performing miracles by healing members of his congregation. Blessed are the damned? More like damned are the blessed in this case. The preacher’s faith healing is not what it appears to be, and John must warn the congregation before something evil is brought forth.
“A SMALL TOWN PREACHER MYSTERIOUSLY GAINS THE ABILITY TO PERFORM MIRACLES – While in art class, Zed has a bizarre vision of snakes that lead her and John to a small town where a preacher has mysteriously gained the ability to heal his congregation. Harold Perrineau also stars. Christopher Johnson, David A. Gregory, Juliana Harkavy, Megan West and Patrick Carroll guest star.”
After the seventh episode airs on Friday, only six episodes will remain as Constantine‘s first season will only consist of 13 episodes. Cast and crew were told early November that production for the series will stop after completing production on the initial 13-episode order. Constantine will continue to air on Friday at 10 p.m. ET/PT for the remainder of its run.
You can watch the preview below, along with the promotional images:
Sources: Comic book, Deadline