Justice League Unlimited’s “lost episode” outline revealed!
J.M. DeMatteis wrote several episodes of the Justice League Unlimited animated series.
- “For The Man Who Has Everything” An adaptation of the Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons Superman classic!
- “The Return” which showcases the full power of the newly expanded League!
- “Ultimen” the introduction of a group of heroes that were pastiches of characters that were created for and unique to the Super Friends animated series.
- “The Ties That Bind (a.k.a. Miracles Happen)” a story written by Jim Steranko for JLU starring the character based on Steranko himself, Mister Miracle!
- “Clash” the JLU classic episode featuring the epic battle between Superman and Captain Marvel (Shazam)!
- “Shadow of the Hawk” The Introduction of Hawkman into JLU.
- “Grudge Match” featuring the return of Roulette who restarts Metabrawl with an all-female fight card!
Today on Twitter, J.M. DeMatteis revealed he wrote an eighth episode that sadly never got the green light! The episode “Misfortune Cookies” would have focused on J’onn J’onzz and his Oreo cookie addiction, harkening back to one of the greatest periods in Justice League history….The JLI. For Comic fans in the “grim n gritty” eighties, the newly launched Justice League International was a breath of fresh air! The lighthearted series emphasized the absurd aspects of people with strange powers, wearing colorful costumes, volunteering to fight evildoers.
DeMatteis shared:
One day, way back in 2004, I got a call from two of the show’s incredibly talented writer-producers, Stan Berkowitz and Dwayne McDuffie. They’d cooked up an idea-based, in part, on the Oreo addiction Keith Giffen and I had given to J’onn J’onnzz during our original Justice league International run and wanted me to develop it into an outline.
The Powers That Be gave “Misfortune Cookies” a very enthusiastic thumbs-down and the story was consigned to limbo-and that’s where it’s been for the past decade. When I came across the outline the other day, I thought it would be fun to rescue this oddball story and share it here at Creation Point. So I invite you to turn on the television set in your mind, unleash your inner animators and enjoy this lost episode of Justice League Unlimited.
The setting… The JLU Watchtower
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Source: J.M. DeMatteis’s CREATION POINT