Writer Geoff Johns and artist John Romita Jr. unleash Superman’s all-new super power on Superman #38.
Geoff Johns and John Romita Jr. conclude “The Men Of Tomorrow” with a blast, literally. The team is bringing the end to their first story arc on The New 52’s Superman series. The tagline ”New Power” showcased on the cover for issue #38 is exactly what the issue is about – thank God for covers that actually have to do with the storyline inside the comic.
Superman is one of the most developed characters in comics, power-wise speaking, while many characters have a maximum of two or three superhuman abilities, Superman has a gallery of them. The ”Man of Steel” is highly invulnerable, can fly, run faster than a speeding bullet (not faster than The Flash however), has total control over his vision (Microscopic and Telescopic vision), can generate heat in various levels from his eyes and freeze the hell out of anyone with his breath. If that power galore is not enough, Geoff wants to give Superman a new power. It seems his all-new ability will be similar to what Supergirl’s has been displaying in her series, releasing a gigantic wave of energy when reaching excessive amounts of absorbed solar energy. However, not to spoil anything about the story, I highly recommend you reading the issue.
Just like Batman does not like bulletproof vests because a bullet could ricochet into an innocent bystander, according to Geoff, Superman is not happy about this new power either as it dangerous and highly destructive.
In regards to Superman, Johns explains: “He believes tomorrow will be better, he believes we have the capability to do that within us, and that’s a huge power. The power of hope and faith and trust in mankind and our innate nature is very compelling, especially because it’s from Superman.”
“He has a very different perspective being who he is and doing what he does and growing up the way he did that John and I wanted to make the most important thing to the character.” Johns told USA Today.
Take a look at the preview for Superman #38 below:
Superman #38 will end the conflict between the Men of Tomorrow, Ulysses and Superman. Watch an interview with Geoff Johns by DC All Access below:
Superman’s new power will be natural and organic in origin, plus a new costume for Sups is set to appear in the issue. With Superman not having a new power in a very long time until now, what do you think about the new? Sound off in the comments section below.
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Source: USA Today