DCN has compiled a list of DC Comics titles and collectibles shipping to comic shops for March 4, 2015.
Check back every Sunday with the DCN Pull Box to see all the cool new DC Comics titles and collectibles that will be available at your favorite local comic shop! So, what titles or collectibles will you be picking up this Wednesday? You can sound off in the comments section below! Click on Comic shop Locator to find the comic shop nearest to you!
Aquaman And The Others #11, $2.99
Batman And Robin #38 (Patrick Gleason & Mick Gray 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Batman Eternal #48, $2.99
Dead Boy Detectives Volume 2 Ghost Snow TP, $14.99
Deathstroke #2 (Tony S. Daniel 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Detective Comics #40 (Brian Stelfreeze Movie Poster Variant Cover), Price determined by retailer
Detective Comics #40 (Francis Manapul Combo Pack Cover), $4.99
Detective Comics #40 (Francis Manapul Regular Cover), $3.99
Detective Comics #40 (Jenny Frison Variant Cover), Price determined by retailer
Earth 2 #32, $2.99
Earth 2 World’s End #22, $2.99
Flash Season Zero #6, $2.99
Grayson #8 (Bill Sienkiewicz Movie Poster Variant Cover), Price determined by retailer
Grayson #8 (Mikel Janin Regular Cover), $2.99
Green Arrow #40, $2.99
Green Lantern #40 (Billy Tan Combo Pack Cover), $3.99
Green Lantern #40 (Billy Tan Regular Cover), $2.99
Green Lantern #40 (Tony Harris Movie Poster Variant Cover), Price determined by retailer
Harley Quinn #15 (Amanda Conner Harley Quinn Variant Cover), Price determined by retailer
Harley Quinn #15 (Amanda Conner Regular Cover), $2.99
Harley Quinn #15 (Amanda Conner Variant Cover), Price determined by retailer
Hinterkind #16, $2.99
Infinity Man And The Forever People #8, $2.99
Justice League 3000 #15, $2.99
Justice League United Volume 1 Justice League Canada HC, $24.99
Lobo #6, $2.99
Names #7 (Of 9), $2.99
New 52 Futures End #44, $2.99
Scooby-Doo Team-Up #9, $2.99
Swamp Thing #40, $3.99
Teen Titans Go Volume 1 Party Party TP, $12.99
Wolf Moon #4 (Of 6), $3.99
Wonder Woman #38 (David Finch & Richard Friend 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Y The Last Man Volume 2 TP, $19.99
Batman Returns Lifesize Penguin Commando Prop, Price determined by retailer
Arrow Deathstroke Action Figure, $24.95
Batman Black And White Batman Statue By Tim Sale (2nd Edition), $79.95
DC Comics Batman Wood Figure, $12.95
DC Comics Super Hero Mad Libs, $3.99
DC Comics Superman Wood Figure, $12.95
DC Comics Variant Play Arts Kai Joker Action Figure, $99.99
DC Heroes Batman Corset SM, MED, LG, XL, $48.00
DC Heroes Harley Quinn Corset LG, $48.00
DC Heroes Harley Quinn Panty 3-Pack SM, MED, LG, XLÂ $23.99
DC Heroes Panty 3-Pack LG, XLÂ $23.99
DC Heroes Supergirl Corset SM, XLÂ $48.00
DC Heroes Wonder Woman Corset SM, MED, LG, XL, $48.00
Harley Quinn And Powergirl By Amanda Conner Womens T-Shirt MED, $18.95
Harley Quinn Ha Ha Previews Exclusive White T-Shirt SM, MED, LG, XL, $19.99
Harley Quinn Ha Ha Previews Exclusive White T-Shirt XXL, $21.99
Joker And Harley Quinn Statue, $249.95
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