The newest and final installment of Trinity of Sin opens with a narrative caption. While much of the series has been told via a rotation of the perspectives of the titular trinity, this caption is noticeably different in tone and appears to be relating events that have passed. The voice conveys one of the themes to the issue: being broken is simply the first step to healing.
The issue then cuts to the Trinity of Sin, captured by Nimraa and being presented to Nimraa’s Queen. The trio is caught off by this development. Their previous interactions had led them to believe that Nimraa was the ruler of Dark Earth. This is an assumption that the new being, called Venna, is quick to correct them on. Venna, however, turns her attention to Nimraa, questioning what the younger god has been up to. Nimraa attempts to explain that she was restoring Dark Earth, but Venna interjects. Dark Earth was never destroyed.
It is this revelation that gives the Trinity of Sin their opportunity. They realize that Nimraa is the only person from Dark Earth that remembers its fall, and that gives the heroes a chance to unify and remove the Dark Earth from this plane of existence. To do so, the Trinity must accept a heavy price. They must absorb all the sorrow, all the sin, of Dark Earth and bear that burden for the world to be cleansed. But if anyone is prepared to make that sacrifice, it is the triumvirate of Pandora, the Phantom Stranger, and the Question.
The three make the decision to go forward, and absorb the Dark Earth away. Their journey against Nimraa has allowed them to know one another in ways they never imagined, but the Question rejects any association or friendship with Pandora and the Phantom Stranger and abandons the group, stealing their weight of Dark Earth and taking the burden entirely on themselves, leaving only questions as to his aims.
In the end, we learn that the narrator is Doctor Thirteen, restored by the Phantom Stranger using a gift from a newfound benefactor. Doctor Thirteen reveals that in having the events explained to him, he almost feels bad for Nimraa, who sacrificed to save her world only to have that world reject her.
The decision to use Doctor Thirteen as the viewpoint character this issue was a nice play that pays off. The Doctor’s outside perspective allows for the series to reflect in on itself without making any of these Trinity of Sin overdramatic. It is often the outside perspective that sees a situation the most clearly, and so it’s nice to see how Pandora, the Phantom Stranger, and the Question are viewed by a “normal” member of the DCU.
The reveal of Nimraa’s true purpose also adds weight to her persistence in bringing forth Dark Earth. Prior issues had made her seem fairly simple in drive, but there is a somber quality to how desperate she is to get Venna to appreciate what has occurred, and it is hard not to empathize with her as Venna rejects her and her actions.
Yvel Guichet’s artwork in Trinity of Sin #6 is dynamic and fun. Guichet is able to balance the cosmic battles between the Trinity of Sin and Nimraa’s agents, full of rays and ethereal shields, in addition to nailing the quieter moments, such as the one between Pandora and the Phantom Stranger. There’s a hint of romantic appreciation in the body language of the characters, but it never dips into melodrama.
Trinity of Sin #6 is a strong issue, but one can’t help but feel that Pandora got the short end of the trio in terms of narrative closure. The Question’s actions certainly leave something unresolved, but it at least appears that he has some agency in his actions, even if they are purposefully left a mystery. And the Phantom Stranger is given closure with Doctor Thirteen. But, after sharing a quite moment with the Phantom Stranger, Pandora simply disappears from the issue. It would have been nice to see some closure to any of her story tangents, or at least some direction as to where she was headed.
Trinity of Sin #6 is a strong finale to a series that stumbled a bit out of the starting blocks. J.M. DeMatteis delivers a script with a solid ending that provides an emotional punch. And Yvel Guichet’s artwork is strong as ever, providing some exciting visuals and softer emotional touches that strengthens the catharsis in Trinity of Sin #6.