More factions join the war over Earth ragging on in Injustice. With the return of the Amazon army, there are now three sides at war, Superman’s team, Batman’s team and the Greek gods.
Brian Buccellato delivers an interesting ploy in this week’s issue. With the return of the amazons we see another powerful army try to take on Superman. I find the Greek Gods whole stance in the comic slightly out of place however. As much as the characters worked on Themyscira, somehow dragging them out into the real world like this is a rather unrealistic move. Myth clashing into reality, the two sides don’t seem to gel well for the story to me. Though I’m glad to see the Amazons finally picking up pace and catching up with the war, something about this new battle is just seems to have a hidden meaning. Why hadn’t they done this sooner? Why are the Amazons a last resort and where the hell did that Cyborg army come from? I just hope that this year’s story hasn’t been written as one giant battle scene.
Bruno Redondo, Juan Albarran and Rex Lokus return the beauty and grace that is the pages of Injustice. I love the magic that these artists make and once again the glistening shine of the ancient worlds armour strikes at the panels with a nobility no other warriors can possess. Lokus’s colours are the show stopped for the issue though as I really enjoy the subtle strength he gives to the superhero nature of all the characters. It really makes the pencils and inks pop and gives the comic such a unique feeling.
It was nice to see Superman not stealing the show for once. I like it when other characters get a chance in the spotlight and it was good to see a bit of story from the rest of his team even if Damien is a little ungrateful brat. It’s important with big character issues to space out who gets to speak and I think having them breaking up a bit of the tension between the two team captains was a good decision. I also liked seeing Wonder Woman being thrown again. Emotionally she isn’t as stable as Superman may think and I have feeling that seeing her old friend’s faces will have more than just a friendly effect on the warrior.
As much as I love splash pages sometimes I miss a bit of complex panelling. Pulling characters from one panel into another may give the speech a little more fluidity and help merge pages into a more cohesive pattern. Also the part with Hera going off the rails seemed too convenient. Hera is a dignified woman and I doubt she would be so foolish to kill the Queen of the Amazons right under Zeus’s nose. That’s going to be some major punishment later.
Who will fire the first shot as Injustice is now on the brink of yet another war. Will Wonder Woman manage to keep her family in check or will the warriors yield to a higher power? Perhaps Batman’s appearance will finally provide us with some more concert answers.