As we are all exciting awaiting Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice – March 25th, there are also a whole slew of other films coming out from DC’s wonderful Universe. If there is one thing that has been said by true believers it is that DC is just copying Marvel’s lead. Warner Brothers Studio has decided to get things going strong with Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice and future films with Wonder Woman, Flash, Aqua Man, as well as Cyborg. This is the first these superheros have all shared the big screen with each other. Plus this year we also get Suicide Squad that comes out August 05th with Will actors and actresses such as Will Smith, Jared Leto, and Margot Robbie as Deadshot, The Joker, and Harley Quinn directed by David Ayer.
Director Zack Snyder said that these two films are,
the cornerstone of the beginning.
To which we get to see Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman in her own film next year and solo films for the other Justice League members, Aquaman, Cyborg, The Flash, and many more.
Now that we’re introducing all these other characters and really building the universe to a far larger place than just a simple alien’s life on Earth, it really makes it extraordinarily interesting.
Says Henry Cavill to USA Today. To read the rest of the article click here.