In December 2015, DC Entertainment announced that their ongoing monthly themed variant cover program for March would showcase variants for ten of DC Comics’ most popular Batman and Superman titles.
The variants will be polybagged with a Batman v Superman theme which will be consumed with stunning cover artwork by the comic industry’s most talented artists! Given Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is out in March, DC fans will love the theme!
The ten upcoming Batman v Superman comics will also have three versions, but this time they’ll be published in full color, fade and character spotlight.
DC Comics News has the first set for you. The art for Rafael Grampá’s variant cover to DETECTIVE COMICS #50! Check it out below!
Bring the month of March on!!
For the full list of comic books that will feature these fun and collectible covers, please see below:
3/2: Detective Comics #50 (variant by Rafael Grampa)
3/9: Action Comics #50 (variant by Martin Ansin)
3/9: Batman/Superman #30 (variant by Kevin Maguire)
3/16: Robin Son of Batman #10 (variant by Ryan Ottley)
3/16: Superman #50 (variant by Kaare Andrews)
3/23: Batman #50 (variant by Chris Daughtry and Jim Lee)
3/23: Grayson #18 (variant by Stephen Platt)
3/23: Superman/Wonder Woman #27 (variant by Charlie Adlard)
3/23: Wonder Woman #50 (variant by Massimo Carnevale)
3/30: Batgirl #50 (variant by Kevin Nowlan)
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