DC Legion Of Collectors : DC TV Teaser

by Brandon Richardson
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Time’s almost up to get your hands on the May collectors TV box from DC Legion of Collectors! To entice you they have put out this fun little C.G. animated trailer showing off the theme for the upcoming month. It showed up on Youtube and is worth a watch.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMJRSvh2sjY&w=470&h=264]

The cut off is May 1st to get this themed collector’s box. Now if you have been on the fence let me tell you that the contents of the DC Legion of Collectors boxes did not disappoint. The last box that was sent out was the box themed Batman V Superman and contained the fabled Armored Batman along side a very cool Batman V Superman t-shirt, Dorbz figures, a limited edition Legion of Collectors button and patch. The price for it is all dependent upon which package you want to go for. By this I mean that they have a Vigilante Membership and a Sidekick Membership. The Sidekick Membership is charged every other month with the release of the next box and is $25 plus shipping and handling. Whereas the Vigilante Membership is $150 plus shipping and handling but it comes with an anniversary gift upon the one year marker of your signing up for it. That gift is an individualized themed box. Both boxes have product inside valued over $50 so there really is no reason to wait on getting a hold of your Legion of Collectors box. I look forward to seeing what they put inside May’s box oh so very much!


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