Review: Odyssey of the Amazons #4

by Sean Blumenshine
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[Editor’s note: This review may contain spoilers.]

Writer: Kevin Grevioux
Artists: Ryan Benjamin, Don Ho & Tony Washington

The Amazons enter Asgard and discover their origins.

The cover by Ryan Benjamin, Matt Banning and Alex Sinclair is gorgeous. The heavenly light looks great and it’s just a nice image.

The interior features pencils by Benjamin, inks by Don Ho and Benjamin and colors by Tony Washington and Benjamin. It’s solid work. The team clearly had a lot of fun with Asgard and it pays off. The scenery is all wonderful throughout the issue.

It is weird to see Thor integrated into the DC universe. I know Thor existed long before the Marvel version but it is still strange and not just because of Marvel. It’s weird because the Amazons are obviously connected to the Greek gods; it’s weird to me that both Zeus and Odin exist together. But it’s cool. I like the mythology being brought to DC and this history is neat.

While I like the art, the faces are not my favorite. They’re not terrible but there are some weird expressions and the designs are not distinct enough for me. I have a hard time telling who is who.

Speaking of which, it is the fourth issue and I still cannot tell you a whole lot about these characters. I can never even remember their names while I’m reading. Personally, I need to connect with characters in order to care about any of this stuff and I just don’t. These characters fall completely flat for me which kills most of the story.

Ultimately, I don’t like this issue. The art is fine for the most part and I like the mythology and history. But it is a slog to read because there’s no human connection. There is no reason to care about anything.

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