CAUTION!! Before I get started there are some minor episode spoilers ahead. So if you don’t wanna know anything about the newest episode I suggest you stop reading now. However if you want to be spoiled or have seen the newest episode be my guest and continue reading. Here we go!
Fans have picked up a wonderful easter egg in the newest Supergirl episode. Supposedly Batman exists in the Arrowverse on Earth-38. Good ol’ Jimmy Olsen is struggling with feeling like he’s not doing any good for National City in his dark body armor. He has a brief heart-to-heart with Winn about his public perception. Olsen describes the public’s reaction as “like Clark’s friend” while Winn quips with “I think they’re more like frenemies.” The conversation is not only a jab at BvS and other comic stories with Batman and Superman fighting but also here’s the egg: Jimmy says “like Clark’s friend” which is referring to Bruce Wayne, our very own Dark Knight. It ruins the joke, but Jimmy would obviously know better than Winn about Brucey.
Now you want to listen more closely to the episode eh?
In the latest episode, when an alien attacks National City, Supergirl and the DEO learn the alien is a Phorian, a powerful race with telekinetic powers. Guardian gets a lead on the Phorian’s whereabouts but instead finds a scared boy named Marcus. Marcus will only trust Jimmy so it’s up to Guardian to stop the Phorian’s attacks. Rhea’s plan also escalates.
Supergirl’s episode “City of Lost Children” aired Monday, May 8th at 8pm EST/PST.