“This is Us” Actress Cast on CW’s Supergirl

by Jay
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This Is Us actress Krys Marshall has been cast in an original role for the CW’s Supergirl.

She has been assigned to the role of musician Julia Freeman, who, like this year’s big bad Reign, has a mysterious past and special abilities. The only connection to DC Comics is her surname, which belongs to Freddy Freeman aka Captain Marvel Jr. Still, there is little chance of her having any connection to The Marvel Family. Be it as an antagonist or protagonist, she is still another booster to the girl power on the hit series starring Melissa Benoist as the Girl of Steel.

As to who else she could be, Krys bears a resemblance to the New 52 version of Power Girl, whose civilian guise is Tanya Spears. The pre-Flashpoint version of Power Girl is Karen Starr of Earth-2, who is the adult version of Kara Zor-El herself and raised by the Golden Age Superman and Lois Lane. Reign, meanwhile, is an original antagonist created during the New 52 as a female variant on Doomsday.

More details will be released when available. Supergirl is currently on holiday hiatus and will return in January.

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