Review: Bombshells United #11

by Shean Mohammed
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[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Marguerite Bennett

Artist: Stephen Byrne


When our heroes leave the labyrinth, they must confront the horrors Black Adam has been committing against the people of Spain. There is a way to defeat him, but is it worth the price they must pay?


The first few pages act as “an elevator episode”, where the characters have time to reflect and enjoy a short respite from the fighting they have done. We also get a new Shazam, one that Black Adam pities more than fears. And we find out that Black Adam has more than a few traps for the heroes fighting for the Allies, as he traps Miri Marvel and shows Batwoman that Lazarus Pit.

Lastly, this story very much reminds me of Empire Strikes Back. Opposed to most of the issues of this book or most of comics right now, not every book should have a happy ending.


The optimist in me would have liked the good guys to get some type of victory, but truly there is nothing negative about this particular issue.



Buy, as this issue is on the precipice of the payoff for this arc.



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