Famed actor Lewis Tan has tweeted out a photo at Burbank’s DC headquarters confirming he is in talks to take on a DC Comics role. Coming off a highly successful run as Shatterstar in Deadpool 2, Tan will be bringing some great experience and acting skills to the DC Universe.
While it’s unclear where we will see Tan next, his tweet was directed at the DC Universe streaming service narrowing down choices. The service has already finished production on Young Justice and is expected to begin post-production on the highly anticipated Titans, leaving only the live action choices of Swamp Thing, Doom Patrol, and Metropolis. An animated series for Harley Quinn is also in production that could fit Tan well.
Tan holds a special place for DC as it was where his father made an appearance as a stuntman for the Joker Crew in the Batman 1989 film. Hopefully, this mystery will be solved soon, and Tan will be gracing our streaming screens soon. This isn’t the first time a star has crossed over the borders. Gotham star Morena Baccarin (Lee Tompkins) has also played Vanessa, Deadpool’s girlfriend, in the Deadpool films.
Who would you cast him as? Let us know in the comments below!