A few days ago, a report came out that Indian actress Soundarya Sharma had been cast in an undisclosed role in Wonder Woman 1984. It appears that this report was completely false as the actress herself has come out to say that she has not been offered any role in the film.
Soundarya was dumbfounded by the news of her being cast in the film. In a Republic TV exclusive, the actress revealed that the rumor was initiated during one of her interviews whereby she stated that it would be like a dream if she could play a larger than life character in a film like Wonder Woman 1984. The rumors were further fueled by her Instagram picture where she is dressed up in the Wonder Woman costume.
She went on to say that the report claiming she made a statement of confirmation was never given by her and was completely and utterly false.
Wonder Woman 1984 hits theaters on November 1, 2019.