Review: The WildStorm: Michael Cray #11

by Alex McDonald
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[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Bryan Hill

Artists: N. Steven Harris, Dexter Vines, Nelson Blake II

Colors: Ross Campbell

Letters: Simon Bowland



Readers finally get some answers as this series inches ever closer to a dramatic conclusion. What is the voice inside Cray’s head? Where did this Diana Prince come from? Has Michael Cray got any chance of stopping her or Constantine? With guest artist Nelson Blake II, these questions are answered and then some.


Nelson Blake II delivers some much needed life to this series with his guest artwork. Whilst limited to flashbacks, these scenes are length as Bryan Hill offers readers some information on the antagonists of the series. Everything pops with his artwork and these pages stand out as the best in the issue, if not the series so far.

As always Ross Campbell’s colours also give everything more depth. Characters are more believable as a result of his great work.

It’s an interesting plot this month as Hill essentially says everything readers have been wanting to hear for weeks. Most questions are answered throughout the course of the issue with just enough left to keep everyone hooked for the coming issue. Diana Prince’s backstory is believable and engaging with the right number of cameos to perch readers on the edges of their seats. With this style of backstory it highlights Bryan Hill’s ability to write to any tone. Readers of his other work will likely know this, but it is a testament to his skill that he can follow an action heavy issue with such a deep character study. 

Backstory aside the pages with Michael Cray also feature plenty of tense moments. It’s a joy to read a comic that can fit so much plot into 22 pages. Other writers ought to take notes from Bryan Hill.



It probably won’t come as a shock but N. Steven Harris’s artwork is the weakest aspect of the book. Whilst his style lends itself perfectly to the ending sequence of the issue at other places throughout the book characters’ heads are seemingly randomly proportioned. At this stage it’s just an aspect of the series but with the guest artwork, Harris’s pages really stand out.

Beyond that, it would have been nice if Diana’s backstory was just a tad more fleshed out. We get the key moments but without anything between these it’s still up to readers to fill in the blanks of why she is the way she is. Some Constantine stuff would have been great but there’s likely a reason Hill left him absent this month.



A great issue as always that keeps readers firmly on the edge of their seats. With fantastic guest artwork from Nelson Blake II, this creative team are coming to the end of one of the best mini-series in recent years.


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