EW has released the first set photo from the film The Kitchen, based on the Vertigo series by writer Ollie Masters and artist Ming Doyle. Oscar-nominated screenwriter Andrea Berloff is both adapting and directing the film.
The Kitchen is set in 1970s Hell’s Kitchen and tells the tale of three women (Tiffany Haddish, Melissa McCarthy, Elisabeth Moss) married to top members of the Irish mafia. When their husbands are arrested by the FBI, the women take it upon themselves to carry on the family business; as it turns out, the wives are both better — and more vicious — at this than their husbands were.
Writer-director Berloff spoke about her decision to cast comedic performers like McCarthy and Haddish in these roles:
“I wanted that excitement of women in a Mob movie to permeate through the casting, so I cast people you wouldn’t expect across the board. If we’re defying stereotypes, let’s defy them all over. Who says women can’t run the Mafia? Who says comedians can’t do drama?”
The Kitchen arrives in 2019, and promises to be unlike any of the other comics adaptations hitting screens next year.