In February, DC is officially launching a new series involving a spin-off of Jack Kirby’s Fourth World creations. Cecil Castellucci will be writing and artist Adriana Melo will be heading the project. The series will be six issues focusing on “the early days of Apokolips” featuring Granny Goodness, Big Barda, Aurelie, Mad Harriet, Lashina, Bernadeth, and Stomp.
“Female Furies takes place smack in the middle of Jack Kirby’s original Fourth World, so if you know Kirby’s New Gods well you’ll have a familiar understanding of the key players and their motivations,” said Castellucci. “However, you don’t need prior knowledge of Apokolips to enter this story; just remember that there are often terrible people in power…and then there are the people who are being held down by them.”
In the DC Universe, the female furies were raised by Darkseid’s regime to be an all-female fighting force.
“I’m playing with the core elements of female relationships within the ranks of the Furies,” the writer explained. “But I’m also aiming to deconstruct their relationships and look at how systemic misogyny and harassment contribute to some storytelling stereotypes. While you can see infighting and power struggles in some stories about the Female Furies, the fact is that the Furies are kept down by the circumstances of where they live and who is in power. Naturally, these women are strong and capable, so this story is meant to try to blow up some of those stereotypes and look at them with a new view, especially in this moment of time.”
Female Furies will directly follow Mister Miracle #12, and Mitch Gerards drew the cover for Female Furies #1.
Female Furies debuts February 6th, 2019.