Is ‘Leviathan’ DC’s Next Big Event?

by Shaina Lucas
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We always love teasers, and writer Brian Michael Bendis has given us a good one. Bendis teased that a new event comic he’s writing alongside artist Alex Maleev may be Leviathan. The tease was announced his latest Jinxworld newsletter inside this week’s Cover #5.

“Leviathan” refers to the criminal organization of the same name introduced in Grant Morrison’s multi-year Batman run, culminating in Batman Inc. Bendis has incorporated Leviathan into recent issues of Superman and Action Comics, apparently building towards an event Bendis calls “monumental to the DC Universe,” saying he and Maleev have paused their creator-owned work to create the story.

“This special event story lets Alex do everything he’s ever wanted to do at DC,” reads Bendis’ statement.

No further details have been announced, however, back in July 2018, Bendis told Newsarama that he had something “cooking” involving multiple DC spy organizations including Leviathan, Spyral, and Checkmate. No release date has been announced either.


“Monumental” DC comic books events will be watched with a close eye given that the publisher’s intent is to “go back to its roots of delivering epic stories with our world-class characters, stories, and brands” as well as “ultimately super-serve our existing fans” according to a communication on Wednesday to its employees.

We’ll just have to wait and see!

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