In a surprise Q&A on Twitter on Friday morning, Matt Reeves shared one little tidbit about The Batman. It’s looking as though the film should be going before the cameras before the end of this year.
Looking like sometime around year’s end.
— Matt Reeves (@mattreevesLA) March 15, 2019
He also talked a bit about what he was listening to while writing and what has been inspiring him.
I watched it at WB before writing… (For the one millionth time; what a great movie.)
— Matt Reeves (@mattreevesLA) March 15, 2019
Thank God for the Rain from the Taxi Driver soundtrack. On endless loop.
— Matt Reeves (@mattreevesLA) March 15, 2019
What’s interesting is that he hadn’t been on Twitter since Nov. 28, 2018. It may be awhile before we see the film (June 25, 2021), but it looks like we are edging closer to a vision of what the film may be like – a 70’s noir inspired detective story!