[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Sam Humphries
Artist: Joe Quinones
Letters: Dave Sharpe
What happens if this is it? What happens if this is just the okay life you are destined to live? What happens when Superman saves your life after an accident and you capture the rush of being flown through the air, talking to Superman and he says that “You’re going to be okay.” But is okay just okay? Not for Miguel. DC does it again as that Red Phone shows up. From 1966 to present day, the “H Dial” makes another debut into the hands of a young man, Miguel, who is granted powers for one hour when he dials H-E-R-O. This new six issue mini-series begins part old school, but adds a fresh tint as we see the “tingling 4” appear on some heroes when Miguel let’s his fingers do the walking. Miguel’s parents departure is a mystery, his new found friend is a runaway threat, and he doesn’t do himself any favors by being a bit of a daredevil. In an accident gone awry, the “H Dial” makes an appearance and so does…..Monster Truck! Miguel and Summer, his new found friend, are on the run with his Uncle’s truck. And the Operator is on the line from HeroVerse. Oh and this line is going to be busy with The Thunderbolt Club. I think Miguel wants voicemail at this point!

DC has been peppering a bit of “What If…..” scenarios lately. With their Damage series going away, we get a revisit to Dial H for Hero in that the hero gets his or her powers for an hour (just like Damage), but this time, since the “tingling 4” shows up on everyone from Harley Quinn to Alfred, we don’t know what Hero we are in store for as Miguel gets on the phone. Lots of questions in this issue which baits the hook for the mini-series. Who is Summer – the young red haired runaway girl in town? Who are the Thunderbolt Club? And how do you make mayonnaise fries (ugh)? Think Shazam, Damage, and Naomi rolled into this release of Dial H for Hero.
Too early to tell as this incarnation of Dial H for Hero has a lot of similarities of the aforementioned DC titles. But to mention mayonnaise fries as even a thing. We have to chalk that up to being a negative.
I’m in. Somethings are too tried and true. And the little kid in me loves that red phone as it reminds me of Commissioner Gordon and Chief O’Hara calling Batman. Everyone wants that phone and I do too.