Anti-Monitor Casting & Concept Art Revealed

by Seth Singleton
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By Seth Singleton

LaMonica Garrett will appear as the Anti-Monitor and the Monitor this fall. It all happens on the CW’s Arrowverse crossover Crisis on Infinite Earths. The announcement was made on Saturday at the San Diego Comic Con.

First Appearance of Monitor

Subsequently, updates regarding the impending crossover have been released daily.


Earlier, Garrett appeared as the Monitor or Mar-Novu in the Elseworlds crossover featuring The Flash, Arrow, and Supergirl.

Concept images of the Monitor were illustrated by Andy Poon, with costume design by Maya Mani.

The Monitor’s appearance included dire warnings of a sacrifice from Oliver Queen. In conclusion, at the end of Arrow’s seventh season the Monitor appeared to have struck a bargain with Felicity Smoak.

Anti-Monitor Concept Art

In addition to the announcement of Garrett’s casting as the Anti-Monitor came the pictures. Marc Guggenheim shared concept art on his Twitter account. Credit for the image is shared by costume illustrator Keith Lau and costume designer Brie Thorpe.

The Anti-Monitor appeared in Crisis on Infinite Earths #2 in May 1985.  He was created by Marv Wolfman, George Pérez, and Jerry Ordway. The Anti-Monitor was destroyed in Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 in April 1986. He later returned in Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special #1 (Aug. 2007).

Anti-Monitor is one of the most formidable foes in the DC Universe. He was powerful enough to kill Supergirl with one blow. He was also responsible for the death of Barry Allen. And then there are the countless inhabited worlds he destroyed.

In Crisis on Infinite Earths #12, the Anti-Monitor maintained his power by “feeding on” a nearby star. Likewise when his power was drained and he was reduced to a state of near-death, he absorbed his own anti-matter demons to rejuvenate himself.

In short, fans will have to wait and see what impact the Anti-Monitor will make on the Arrowverse.

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