Heath Ledger’s ‘Joker’ Is Number One….
and how can it not be? Such a memorable performance by such a gifted actor portraying one of the most iconic and complex characters in comic book history.
Such a performance is only worthy to be voted in as the most memorable movie moment of the past 21 years on Rotten Tomatoes.
The movie reviewing site that allows not only industry critics but movie fans to have a voice in the rating of movies received over 25,000 votes in the poll. Fans flocked to the site and decided which movie moment stood out to them the most and after thousands of votes were tallied, it ended up being the character of The Joker itself and the performance by Heath Ledger that came out on top.
The moment that Rotten Tomatoes chose was the opening of The Dark Knight when The Joker (Heath Ledger) first revealed himself during the bank heist scene.
After careful deliberation and a plethora of scenes that were available from The Dark Knight like: the “pencil trick”, his “speech at Bruce Wayne’s party”, “visiting Harvey Dent in the hospital”, and let’s not forget “Why so serious?” or “let’s put a smile on that face” for the poll it was Rotten Tomatoes decision to give the full honors to Heath Ledger and his Joker performance.

The Dark Knight’s Joker
The poll was created to celebrate 21 Years of Rotten Tomatoes being active so the site picked 21 of the most memorable movie scenes and let the sites readers decide where each ranked.
Out of the 21 chosen; the top 10 most iconic moments ended up as followed:
- The Joker from The Dark Knight
- “The Snap” from Avengers: Infinity War
- “I see dead people” from The Sixth Sense
- Carl and Ellie in the opening of Up
- Avengers assembling in New York from Marvel’s The Avengers
- The government lobby fight from The Matrix
- Gollum and Smeagol arguing from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
- “No Man’s Land” from Wonder Woman
- The upside-down kiss from Spider-Man
- Juan teaches Chiron to swim from Moonlight
This list is not short of any duds and I’m sure it wasn’t easy for some fans to choose their favorite moment but knowing comic book fans and their passion for Ledger’s “The Joker”, well, I’m sure deliberation of what was the best moment for them didn’t take too long.
To see the full list and voting visit Rotten Tomatoes
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