Image Comics Reviews: Postal Deliverance #6

by Tony Farina
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Review: Postal Deliverance #6

Postal Deliverance #6[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]


Creator: Matt Hawkins

Writer: Bryan Edward Hill

Artist: Raffaele Ienco

Letters: Troy Peteri


Reviewer: Tony Farina


Postal Deliverance #6 begins with a young Mark remembering his time in the woods. He hates the woods. He hates dead things. He lives in Eden, which is surrounded by woods and dead things. You get it. His life, is hard. In real time, his mother, Laura, wants him to give control of the town back to her because there is a killer on the loose (well, everyone is a killer, but someone is killing the killers, you get it). Mark doesn’t want control, but he wants there to be an election. He is tired of tyranny. He is tired.

Maggie and Magnus have the closest thing to a heart to heart as anyone in Eden can have. Then Maggie and Laura do the same. Listen, Eden is a messed up place OK? Then, there is a misdirection and I refuse to tell you more.

Postal Deliverance #6


Everything is good about Postal Deliverance #6. Bryan Edward Hill is once again on the top of his game. That means, he allows the brilliant Raff Ienco the room he needs to breath. There are a few pages right in the middle of this issue where Maggie is walking alone in the forest. There are almost no words and it is compelling. You might feel like you want to whip through those pages because there are not words, but you would be wrong to do that. Seriously, Maggie deserves her time in the sun (it is dark, but you get my meaning) and these pages show us WAY more about her than we could ever have known.

Postal Deleverance #6

When Hill is flexing his wordsmithing muscles, they win the verbal equivalent of Mr. Olympia. When Maggie and Laura have their chat in the woods, you can hear the sarcasm pour off page when Laura talks and the trepidation in Maggie’s when she does. These are written words by fictional people in a fictional place the yet the reader feels like s/he is eavesdropping on a real conversation in the woods.


NOTHING is wrong with Postal Deliverance #6. From the first haunted image the show stopper at the end, this book is so damn good.


This ends what will be the first arc of Postal Deliverance. It ends with such a gut punch that I am not sure what to do. I am genuinely upset. I am going to go pour a drink and think about it. I think, while I am having my drink, I am going to re-read the first six issues and raise my glass to Hill, Ienco, Peteri and Matt Hawkins for giving us this universe.

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