While he may not be as well known to the general public as big guns like Joker, Catwoman, or Robin, another DC character is celebrating an 80th anniversary this year: Doctor Fate.
Fate first appeared in More Fun Comics #55 way back in May, 1940 — which puts this month as his exact anniversary. To celebrate, writer/artist Dan Schkade, best known for the webcomic Lavender Jack and work on The Spirit, has mocked up a full-length recreation of Fate’s debut adventure.
Click over to Twitter to read the whole story, which shouldn’t take long as it runs only ten pages (the average length of many Golden Age stories).
One of DC’s longest running heroes, Doctor Fate was a founding member of the Justice Society of America in the 1940s and of the Justice League International in the 1980s. The character has also headlined multiple solo series and miniseries (and was even a woman for a short time). Looking forward, Fate fans will see some future version of the Doctor appearing in an upcoming issue of Legion Of Super-Heroes.