Review: Books of Magic #19

by Tony Farina
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Review: Books of Magic #19

Books Of Magic #19


[Editor’s Note: This Review may contain spoilers]

Writer: David Barnett

Artist: Tom Fowler, Craig A. Taillefer

Colors: Marissa Louise

Letters: Todd Klein


Reviewer: Tony Farina



All Tim wanted to do was impress a pretty girl by getting the two of them into the Glastonbury Festival. But one poorly thought-out spell later, they’ve instead found themselves at a different festival—the ancient carnival of the realms, where all the worlds of magic go to let their hair (or tentacles, or tendrils of fire) down and have a good time! It’s just a shame that for some species, “a good time” might turn out to mean “eating humans”… Books of Magic #19 has finally arrived.

Books of Magic #19


There is a new writer on the scene. David Barnett has arrived and for anyone who feared that the quality would go down without Kat at the helm, you can relax. This story is so fun. There is a call back to an early Sandman issue. There is magic and mayhem and believable teenage angst. It is clear that Barnett did his homework. He is not trying to turn this brilliant book on a dime, he is just making his mark and paying respect. I read he is only acting as a guest writer, but he is welcome to stay. Izzy is an excellent addition to the series. I hope, regardless of what Barnett does, she decides to stick around.

The rest of the art team has remained the same and that helps. This book is beautiful like always. Marissa Louise is back to color and she brought her A game. The festival in this book is totally bonkers and Fowler and Taillefer ground it in reality. As always, pay attention to stuff in the background. This book is always giving you magical goodies for your eyes. It is a book of magic after all.


The perfection continues. If you don’t read this book, you must either hate comics or hate yourself. Please don’t do either. Read this book.


Books of Magic #19 is the beginning of a small, two part interlude into the main run of what is clearly the best book in the Sandman Universe. Tim is at his best when he is torn between being a teenager and being a magician. I can’t believe I have wait a month after having to wait through the pandemic to get this.


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