Review: Batman: White Knight Presents Harley Quinn #2
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Katana Collins, Sean Murphy
Artist: Matteo Scalera
Letters: AndWorld Design
Colors: Dave Stewart
Reviewed by: Carl Bryan
“We’re Roommates. – Ivy alluding to Neo Joker
“You know what? I’m not sure I wanna know. That seems like a story for another day.”- Harley Quinn on Ivy and Neo Joker’s relationship

The humor. The tongue in cheek humor. The alluding to the “main universe” with a wink and a nod. But with such pinache.
While “Murphyverse” creator Sean Murphy is along for the ride as well, he has given the artistic reins to Matteo Scalera and joined Katana Collins for the writing detail.
This issue takes a full-fledged fight scene between Harley and Neo Joker/Harley #2 and breaks it up with a hot tea break (“I think this is one of your old mugs anyway”). To have Ivy show up amidst this to add the aura of a lasting relationship with Neo Joker/Harley #2 is the set up, but the punch line is having the Mad Hatter there while Harley and Neo Joker/Harley #2 is downright brillaint.
Harley’s hyenas playing with her twins on a public playground while Harley looks on as any mother would on a playdate. This is normal in the “Murphyverse”!
Easter Eggs abound. Some they spell out and some are hidden. From cinema to mainstream Batman books…from Michael Keaton’s Batman to Batman – The Animated Series. The “Murphyverse” never disappoints to be an exciting read!
Positives (more…)
Matteo Scalera provides perfect art! From intense pencils emulating all the characters in the prior Batman: White Knight series to backgrounds that melt perfectly around the central characters in the frame.
The background story of Harley obtaining her degree, getting her hyenas and providing another layer of origin to The Joker – can Katana Collins and Sean Murphy get any better in their writing?
I hope so as I have a long list of Batman characters I want them to get started on. All I want for Christmas is…..more Murphyverse!
Silence….shhh! Listen and watch as Batman silently appears in the window. Nothing here!