[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Josh Trujillo
Artist: Stephen Byrne
Letters: Clayton Cowles
Colors: Stephen Byrne
Reviewed by: Carl Bryan
“You have to tell the world I am not Superman!” – Bibbo Bibbowski to Clark Kent
A list of people believed to be Superman is published online, and it’s up to the Man of Steel to keep the people safe from all manner of threats trying to prove the list right. Can Superman stop this digital threat that gets more powerful with every click?
Let’s talk art, pencils, coloring, and all the attributes of a “clean” digital comic look. Though I prefer Jorge Corona’s work in the last issue a lot more (a darker grittier issue), Stephen Byrne paints a very clean and video game like comic in this issue.
Metropolis glows even on the streets. Haircuts are high and tight (not sure that works for Superman on the cover, but then again, I like the Superman that emerged from his “cocoon” after death with his long Thor locks.
Positives 2.0
This story…so perfect and so poignant. Josh Trujillo creates a real throw back story that could be set in 1970’s and now in 2020. Superman is ageless and priceless in this one.
Moral thermometer on high as Bibbo gives us something to really think about for Thanksgiving and beyond!
Would Superman just fly up to someone’s apartment and cook their computers with his heat vision just to find out it really was not the main villain but their son? We can’t have Supes just destroying property.
So, DC Entertainment really provides in this digital format. It’s new, it’s fresh and a great playground for both authors and artists who want to flex their digital mediums before they hit the printed page. Awesome work all around!