Review: Amethyst #6 (Series Finale)
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Amy Reeder
Artist: Amy Reeder
Colors: Marissa Louise
Letters: Gabriela Downie
Reviewed by: Seth Singleton
It’s the final showdown between Princess Amethyst and Lord Opal. The danger to Gemworld is approaching the point of no return. What hope does one princess have to save her parents, her people, and her world?
Amy Reeder brings the story of Amethyst to a close with a finale that is all about friendship. To be fair, there is also something to be said for growing up. But friends are important in those moments too. Together, united, Reeder’s delightful characters bring this arc of Amethyst to a close.
Princess Amethyst is also Amy to her friends. Amy thought she knew all there was to know about Gemworld. She thought she knew all she needed to know about being a leader. At the end of five issues, Amy realized that she was wrong.
Thankfully she had friends who were there every step of the way. These friends stood by Amy. They believed in Amy even when they saw how misguided and out-of-touch she was.
A seed that is planted and watered is magical. Earlier in the series, Reeder introduces a guide to gems and crystals. It’s the kind of thing that can be easily overlooked by young and old alike. It was also a gift from Amy’s earth parents.
Lost and alone is when Amy turns to the book and its secrets. Beyond Amy’s skepticism are the roots of knowledge. They are just ideas and beliefs back on earth. On Gemworld they are the rules of magic and power.
Ruby brings passion, Citrine brings delight and Amethyst heals. Amy discovers that these and other powers are at her disposal if she is willing to risk and believe.
Through it all, Amy is true to herself. She doubts, grieves, and believes in equal measure. When pushed to her limits Amy relies on her faith in herself to protect the people she loves. Sometimes they see it. Sometimes they don’t. Only Amy determines her action.
Opal started out as a dangerously nefarious character. It appeared that he could rise above his villain station. In the final two issues, he is so single-minded that he appears cartoonish. This might have been necessary to adapt to the limits of a six-issue series. In a longer story-arc, like a maxi-series, fans might enjoy seeing just how far he can go.
Amy Reeder has remade the story of Amethyst. A story grounded in the concepts of the original series from the 80s and the recent inclusions from books like young justice. Reeder uses the established backstory as a launchpad. As a result, the story of Amethyst reaches new heights.
The combination of Reeder’s art with Marissa Louise’s colors elevates the styles that worked so well on Batwoman and Madame Xanadu. Gabriela Downie’s letters evoke the emotion and nuances of every character. Three original styles combine to create pure magic. Share this series with a young reader today and watch the wonder unfold.