Review: Future State: Wonder Woman #1
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Joëlle Jones
Artist: Joëlle Jones
Letters: Clayton Cowles
Colors: Jordie Bellaire
Reviewed by: Carl Bryan
” You know you can’t just phone this one in…It’s very serious and I’m going to have to trust you’ll have my back….are you even listening to me?”- Yara Flor (Wonder Woman) talking to her horse Jerry

When first introduced to the Multiverse and the “scrambling of eggs” that the Future State might hold, I really thought that Dinah Lance would be the new Wonder Woman. Given what Tom Taylor has done in the past with his DCeased series, he rewrote the Trinity of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman providing heirs that made sense.
However, Joelle Jones hits one heckuva home run on this new incarnation of Wonder Woman. It makes perfect sense that an Amazon is in the Amazon Jungle. The fact that she has a god status, and she has to start a journey to Hell is both simplistic and genius.
Jones adds an element that Diana Prince arguably never had… a sidekick of a flying horse named “Jerry” and a “thorn in the side” sidekick of Caipora. Caipora seems to be an imp in the vein of Mxyzptlk. The entire premise is genius on the part of Jones!
Positives 2.0
If you have been familiar with Joelle Jones (both as an author and a writer), her work on Catwoman was great! She told stories about Selina that were limited in script but heavy on art in terms of battle scenes and car chases. Her work seemed limited based on the heaviness of history with what Selina brought to the table.
However, Jones shines so brightly in her element with Yara Flor. Jones’s art work is amazing, and she really brings this new incarnation of Wonder Woman to light as Jones’ style of art is recognizable.
But its her writing that is to be celebrated as the sense of humor is very evident in Yara in her conversations with both Jerry as well as Caipora.
Huge Shoutout to Clayton Cowles and his lettering! When you hear the voices as Cowles intends you to in the lettering, that’s an art in itself!
None. In fact, given that Diana is “gone” in this new vein of Future State, Yara Flor has come out of nowhere and is a perfect fit. We needed a new Wonder Woman with her mixture of strength, diversity and moxie! Jones has found her niche…I hope DC let’s her run with it!
I’m already a fan of Future State, but to have Jones at the helm of a new character is a huge bonus! Again, get in on the ground floor and let’s hope DC plays the long ball with this comic! It has so much potential!