Review: Commanders in Crisis #4
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Steve Orlando
Artist: Davide Tinto
Colorist: Francesca Carotenuto
Letterer: Fabio Amelia
Reviewed by: Carl Bryan
“We’re fighting for good on a world where evil wins! – Crisis Command
The last survivors of the Multiverse live among us under new, super heroic identities, five survivors of doomed worlds…taking a second chance to ensure our world lives on.
A new twist on strange superhero comics, COMMANDERS IN CRISIS follows in the footsteps of Doom Patrol and Thunderbolts as five unexpected heroes come together to solve a murder unlike any other. The victim? Compassion itself…This is “ideacide”!
Commanders in Crisis #4 – As the Crisis Command faces off with Empathy’s assassin, the deep conspiracy behind the murder steps out of shadows. It won’t be enough just to avenge Empathy’s death: to save the world, the Crisis Command will have to RESURRECT AN IDEA! The first wild arc concludes with a bang!
A new series by acclaimed writer STEVE ORLANDO (Wonder Woman, Doom Patrol: Milk Wars, Martian Manhunter) and artist DAVIDE TINTO (Marvel Action: Spider-Man), an intense, weird action thriller reminding us about the importance of compassion and hope in the present moment, and putting fists to faces along the way!

Recently there have been two comics from Image that have almost written the playbook for dealing with COVID-19 and Politics in America. Undiscovered Country created by Charles Soule and Scott Snyder is a must read for a country divided during a disease threat.
Now we have the political thriller of Commanders in Crisis. Steve Orlando has been leading up to an interesting Multiverse tale involving Presidents with super powers “yanked” from their universes as they were being destroyed. Subsequent their arrival to this universe summoned by the current President provides a jumping off point of diversity, survival, leadership, powers….you name it.
However, it is well known that the comic writers are months if not a year or so ahead of publication dates. This issue has two pages that resonate from the events that occurred at the Capital building in Washington DC this past week.
Buy this comic for pages 22 and 23. Alone it tells of a multiverse version of Earth that is in the midst of political turmoil due to the American Individuality Act… a formation of a coalition of states that have their own in-dependency (52 states in this universe) but bonded in defense of the entire “United States”.
To see the Capital adorned with protestors and news media in conflict on these pages of Orlando’s creation is a mixture of art imitating life or life imitating art.
Positives (more…)
Davide Tinto and Francesca Carotenuto – their lines are clean, their colors are vivid, and the frames are perfect for this comic. They tell a story within a story, and they work so well with Orlando’s script! This type of art is so worthy of posters and entire murals! Well done to both!
The artistic work of pages 22-23 is scary good! Scary Good!!!
Nothing in this issue as we have reached a boiling point with this team and the writing is getting stronger!
Positives (Third Round!)
Sawbones… I think as the cream rises to the crop…I am most intrigued by Sawbones and what he can do. To see muscle synapses indicating when someone is going to fire a weapon and he can detect that…. that kind of writing and art rivals what is going on in the Superman books.
This edition is the edition to have. Go back and purchase issues 1-3. But make sure you have issue 4. You’ll be glad you added this to the collection! Hint – the cover art betrays more than you know!