Review: The Scumbag #4
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Rick Remender
Artist: Roland Boschi, Eric Powell, Moreno Dinisio
Letters: Rus Wooten
Colors: Moreno Dinisio
Reviewed by: Carl Bryan
“It’s not the size of the penis…it’s the depth of the vagina!” – Ernie Ray Clementine – The Scumbag
The hottest party around is in full swing, and Ernie’s on the guest list! With Sister Mary there to keep him on track and Scorpionus agents in sight, what’s the worst that could happen? Dress is optional—scumbaggery is guaranteed.
Eric Powell continues the artist duties this issue and he returns it back to the subtleties and fine lines that really leap off the page in the first issue. Even though we are dealing with one of the most grossest humans ever in any form of literature, there is a big appreciation for drawing him with panache and style. I appreciated last issue, but this one really pops with detail.
Kudos to Powell for his work on this book as I’ll certainly follow him in comics due to his work on that gold Trans-Am he splashes across a two page spread. I’m almost hoping this book is turned into a R rated screen play for a movie.
Positives 2.0
Rick Remender really provides a good versus evil political establishment story where the rich can buy anyone and everyone has a price. Even as virtuous a speech that Ernie Ray erupts into by the offer to work for Scorpionus, we as readers are left with a bit of a cliff hanger.
Will Ernie Ray do his “job” for the government? Or will he sell out? This character has been built to surprise so I am not sure how he will go. And that is the best thing about Scumbag…no one knows how this cannon will fire. Great story telling Mr. Remender!
You get what you get with Ernie Ray. If you are picking this issue up, then make sure get the preceding issues. When you drink from Ernie Ray’s story, it is because you have a taste for it. Whew!
If you are into something really really different and you like uncomfortable clashes, this is your book. You’ll laugh and wince and roll your eyes. Get in on the ground floor of Scumbag!