Review: Man-Bat #1
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Dave Wielgosz
Artist: Sumit Kumar
Letters: Tom Napolatino
Colors: Romulo Fajardo, Jr.
Reviewed by: Carl Bryan
“Man- Bat is good for me. I feel confident. I feel free. I feel powerful….. “- Kirk Langstrom

I always viewed Man-Bat as the equivalent of Mr. Freeze in some ways or perhaps The Lizard from the Spiderman comics as all three are grounded in science. They all started out looking for something to better mankind, but lost their way due to love, the serum, their ‘work”.
Man-Bat seems to be a combination of all of this where Langstrom wishes to both be idolized as Batman is in Gotham, but he also wants to truly help despite his work destroying those closes to him. His paranoia has hit an all time high…which is strange as JLA Dark seemed to be a turning point for this character.
But we are in a “reboot” of the entire DC Universe so perhaps this is a a new Man-Bat or a retelling of an old story. DC never confirms any of that, but offers the story as a “check in”
Positives 2.0
Dave Wiuelgosz provides a solid tale that both reacquaints readers with Man-Bat’s origin but also allows an all encompassing glimpse into his rationale for how he operates. I appreciated the catch-up with this character as he is an important part of the Batman’s Rogues Gallery.
Sumit Kumar adds cityscapes and aerial views that let’s a reader really be into Man-Bat’s view point. Not only do we get the narrative, but also the “bat’s eye view” of Gotham from his point of view.
Bruce lecturing Man-Bat on collateral damage. Please….After City of Bane and the Joker’s War, how does Bruce even have an ounce of lecture in him about collateral damage. Again, this stand alone comic doesn’t take into consideration what JLA Dark has done with the Man-Bat nor does it insert itself into the current state of affairs in Gotham.
If DC wishes to catch up readers, it needs to address its nomenclature of “when” these events occur. Otherwise, a collector or an avid reader is left to ponder what is going on in the entire universe.
Dave Wiuelgosz and Sumit Kumar work really well together to deliver a solid revisit to the origin of Man-Bat. One such frame of wingspan and capes over Gotham is worth the price of the issue! However, how this inserts into the current Future State or as a stand alone tale is a bit confusing. However, taken on its own, its a great reminder of Man-Bat and a hopeful piece of story telling that allows him to remain relevant on the DC landscape.