Review: Radiant Black #2
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Written By: Kyle Higgins
Art By: Marcelo Costa
Letters By: Becca Carey
Review By: Kendra Hale
Radiant Black #2 was worth the wait in every way. In the first issue, we got to meet Nathan, down on his luck and moving back in with his parents. A night out with a friend and suddenly Nathan has a mini black hole that gives him all these foreign powers. At the end of the first issue, readers learned that he was not the only one to be so lucky.
In this second offering, Nathan is dealing with not only what he wants to do to understand this blessing that has fallen into his hands, but also what he wants from life. After a visit from the officers from issue one, Nathan comes to the conclusion that this other person may know more and he needs to track him down. It does not go according to plan, but Nathan is gaining clarity in some of the aspects he was seeking.
Everything. Literally everything is a positive for me. The pacing, the storytelling, the portrayal of the emotions and the drive. Kyle Higgins gives us a breakfast talk twice in this issue between Nathan and his Father and it is so relatable, it hurts. The shame and anger of not knowing what is coming, as well as the relief of a clear plan and vision.
The way Higgins is building this world is perfectly matched with Marcelo Costa’s exquisite art, and is just a joy for a comic reader. The visuals are so hard hitting. The cover alone would have grabbed my attention, but when the interior art matches it note for note, it is a symphony that I could listen to again and again. Also Becca Carey shines with her letters, I love the placement and fonts.
Nothing. Readers were promised more and we got it.
If you want something fresh, fun, real, and just genuinely enjoyable…this is it. Radiant Black is only two issues in and that is all I need to be invested. I have loved everything I have seen. Nathan Burnett is a relatable character in extraordinary circumstances and is easily rooted for. I cannot wait to see what is next!
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